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Somersall Rangers Recruitment and Development Officer. FA Qualified Football Coach. Qualified First Aid. Hold Safe Guarding Children Certificate. Clear CRB Check.

Monday 27 October 2014


I would like to give a massive thank you to Bakewell Carpets for sponsoring Somersall Rangers Under 16s away kit. It is much appreciated by everyone involved in the football club from the players, parents and management. Many thanks.


Sunday 7 September 2014

Saturday 8 March 2014

Match Against Staveley Miners Welfare

Hi Everyone

Finally the weather has let up and we have a game tomorrow. Its against Staveley Miners Welfare. Please park in the car park of the stadium at the top of the hill and walk down the hill away from Staveley, go past the cemetery and the football pitch is on the right just before the railway bridge. Police ticket cars parked on the road down by the pitch so beware.

Please arrive at 9.30am. See you then.


Map and pictures below:

Park here.


View from the bottom of the hill.

When you walk down the hill and around the corner the pitch is at the end of the road on your right. See picture below.

Saturday 11 January 2014

Referee and Assistant Referee Hand Signals

Being able to read the signals that the referee does during a game will enable you to organise yourself quicker than the opposition.

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Setting up a wall for a free kick

Virtually half the goals scored in the Premiere League are scored from set pieces: corners, throwings, free kicks etc. If we own the opponents at free kicks we win more matches. Simples!

The diagram above shows the keeper (red dot) lining up the wall. The second player in the wall is placed inline between the near post and the ball. It is important to place another player outside this line so the ball cannot be bent around the wall into the near post.

The number of players in the wall is determined by the position of the ball on the pitch. See the other post http://sru13.blogspot.co.uk/2011/12/how-many-player-in-wall-at-free-kicks.html

Another very important player is lined up to stop the shot to the far post area. He may not be in contact with the wall depending on the position of the ball.

Saturday 21 December 2013

Christmas Trip to Xscape

Hi Everyone.

Details of tomorrows trip are below. Although you don't need to arrive until 2.45pm there is plenty to do and see so getting there early wouldn't be wasted time.

It is important that you bring waterproof clothing, wellies and gloves. The temperature is minus 5 and you will get wet and cold if you are not properly clothed.

You will need money for refreshments.

I have put a map below. Click "view larger map" at the bottom left to see directions etc.

View Larger Map

Link to Xscape below.


Saturday 28 September 2013

Hugo Lloris training session.

Practise does not make perfect, perfect practise makes perfect. Vincent Lombardi.

Monday 16 September 2013

Practice, Practice, Practice.

Experts have done research into what makes a person world class at what they do. Are they born with the talent or is it something anyone can achieve?

Sports stars such as, Beckham, Federer, Murray, Tiger Woods, Gerrard, Messi, and Bale, have one common trait. They all have is the desire to practice and improve every day. The researches have found that to get to a world class level it takes 10,000 hours of quality practice. Thats Quality practice not just practice.

Now, I am not suggesting we try and put 10,000 hours in, but improvements will be made by training well as often as possible. Make sure you try to perfect your technique and knowledge of the game through good quality practice as often as possible.

Who knows where it might take you!! Alex Ferguson used to say that David Beckham was the first on the training ground and the last off it.

You might not remember this game but England needed to get a draw against Greece to qualify for the world cup finals or they were out. This was the last game in the qualifiers. At least a draw or they were out. Watch the video to see what happened.

Sunday 15 September 2013

Defending against a long ball

Watch this video to see what we should do when the opposing team play a long ball into our half of the pitch. 

Main Points,

  • One player goes to clear the ball with his head.
  • He should be brave, shout his name to let everyone else know that he is going to attack it.
  • He should head it at the highest point that he can reach it.
  • He should aim to head it, high long and wide.
  • Very Important - The other defenders protect the space behind him by closing up and positioning themselves between the header and our net.
  • They should expect the ball to come to them and be ready to clear it.
  • The keeper should be ready for the ball coming through to him.
  • If our player wins the header and heads it back up the field we should move up the field and reform the back line.
Watch this video to see how Man City defended against Stokes constant aerial threat.